Tuesday, January 19, 2021

I haven't posted here for awhile but much of this blog will be updated on a regular basis. Well, my biggest news is that I graduated from Academy of Art University with a Master of Arts in Visual Development. People often wonder what Visual Development is. It goes by different names depending on the institution or the individual:

  • Entertainment Design or Entertainment Arts

  • Conceptual/Concept Design or Concept Art

  • Illustration for Entertainment Design

  • Visual Storytelling
I will be attending Academy of Art University to continue in the Master of Fine Arts in Visual Development in Spring 2021. I want the terminal degree that can open doors that an MA cannot. 
MFA is considered a terminal degree because there is no other higher degree in the visual arts. 
As an educator in higher education this can equate to higher pay, too. I will post my portfolio in future posts.