Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Painting IV Revisions

This is the revision I did based on the original critique from the director. I like getting the response of, "WOW" after I send it off to him. This is not particularly my favorite version of this painting but its what he wanted and needed and that's what you need todo for the client. It's important to focus on the WOW Factor in production paintings.

Warship Invasion? I'm not sure what the title is besides Painting IV

Monday, November 9, 2015

Painting IV: In Progress

I'm finally done with this one. I've never done a space painting before and I'm happy the way it turned out so far. I'm sure I'll have some things I want to tweak later but for now its done and hopefully the director will approve. Whew!

This is the invasion that supposed to take place in Act 3 of the script.

Friday, November 6, 2015

So Stoked!

I just got off the phone with the producer for the ALL THINGS movie I'm working on. I'm nearing completion of the last production painting of the first round of work for them. So far the work has been difficult to schedule with my teaching gigs but I got through it. As we talked about the future work on ALL THINGS he offered me additional work on a new film...a western! So, beginning next week I will be doing storyboards for both films simultaneously which will keep me busy for a bit then begin more production paintings and set designs. These are small budget films but all that really matters is doing really good work and perfecting my craft, so I can provide for my family. That's all that should really matters, right? I'll continue to post my most current work. WooHoo!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Current Project: All Things

Currently I'm working on a small independent film called, ALL THINGS. I'm serving as Production Designer on the's my screen credit but actually I'm the concept artist on the project. I have my hands in several aspects of the film: production paintings, set design, website assets, storyboards, etc. Previously I worked for the same producer on another small film in 2005 called, One Night With the King. Here are some of the designs I've completed for the project so far. The production paintings still have some tweaks here and there but they are close to the finish.

   The Alien General was such a cool design to work on. The director 
   was influenced by Super 8 in regards to the head however I felt something 
   a cross between a humanoid and that alien's face would work better for any
   type of expression they can yield from the CG animators.

Kristen Stewart was the inspiration for her physique and overall look per
the director's wishes.
  This is was the first version of this scene. Unfortunately, I had to repaint it for the
  director so its closer to what the director needed. 

 This is probably my favorite one out of the group. I had done this one twice
 as miscommunication on my part was the culprit for a repaint and 
 revision. Below is the first version I completed.

This is my least favorite of the painting. I didn't have much time to do this
one and the perspective of the octagon shaped portals were a challenge.
The perspective isn't perfect but for the time I had to do this one it worked
out just fine.